Updated 1/14/10
Streamlined Sales Tax Project 2/5/06
U.S. Tax Code On-Line
- access the complete text of the United States Internal Revenue Code, Title 26 of the U.S. Code (26 USC) in a variety of ways.
- Hyperlinks have been embedded in the Code to permit following cross-references between sections with a simple mouse click.
- A WAIS-based full-text search engine allows you to quickly locate Code sections by content.
109th House votes database 2/5/06
109th Senate votes database 2/5/06
Cornell University Legal Information Institute 2/5/06
The National Bankruptcy Forum 1/14/10
- is a consumer bankruptcy site, with bankruptcy attorneys all over the country contributing posts on various topics
- You will see posts on automatic stays, cars and bankruptcy, marriage and bankruptcy, protecting your property, tax issues, and much more